About Me
Get comfortable because to understand how I got here, I need to go back to the beginning.
Like many of you I attended high school and when that was coming to a close I thought ”so now what”?
Am I suppose to go to university or join the work force?
Am I actually going to be locked into full time responsibility and not be able to just chill with my friends… It was not what I had in mind of becoming an adult!
After a huge amount of pissing and moaning I decided to become an electrician, starting an apprenticeship in 2006.
My train of thought at the time was money, working getting paid to learn was much more appealing than having to be back in a classroom. By 2010 I was working for an oil company, and by 2021 I decided to move away from the company rounding my time there in the mining side of the business. I would also sell my house by mid summer and leave Fort McMurray after 23 years of calling it home.
My Story Continued…
My journey really took flight when my sister came to visit me back in 2016 and introduced me to the Gaia website, with all their shows about the universe and life on this planet and others I was hooked. For me, the show “ Cosmic disclosure” resonated loudly, and I instantly took to the show's host at the time, David Wilcock. It all seemed so obvious that so much of the planet has been living in its small self, and we had to take responsibility for ourselves and our planet.
Slowly I began searching for additional information on what I was learning, in time I was reading book after book after book. Eventually, I couldn’t process anymore, so I decided it was time to put some of this knowledge to use.
I tried meditating, but after 10 mins I was dumbfounded I hadn’t ascended and so sadly I let it go.
I tried yoga and after a week I wasn’t able to do butterfly kicks like Jean-Claude VanDamme so that went into the trash can.
I think maybe the Mystics had it wrong and through some translation, errors were referring to yogurt, not yoga. Cause yogurt is delicious and everyone can enjoy it, you’ve never heard anyone say, “ hey, let’s go for some hot yogurt”. No, of course, you haven’t, because people would look at you like your nutz.
Over the next many years, I would attend animal communication classes, Shamanism courses and Tantra workshops.
I was fortunate to attend an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru in 2018, after 5 sessions and a lot of vomiting I had my fill. Something major had shifted during my time there, my dad and I started down the road to rebuilding our relationship. Today it is a major pillar in my life, having that strong supportive relationship with my father.
In 2021 my life took an unexpected turn when my partner of 8 years decided to end our relationship, it was mid-January and in Alberta, it is cold as all heck…. This difficult time in my life propelled me into connecting with counsellors and healers I otherwise never would have discovered.
Although soul-crushingly painful, I was given the gift of looking at myself and all of my traumas I hadn’t healed since I was a young child.
I began speaking about memories and painful experiences, and unearthing these “unimportant” interactions became one of the most freeing moments of my life.
Having a male counsellor hold space for me while sharing such intimate details about myself showed me it was okay to be vulnerable and dive deep. I would spend many many sessions reliving painful memories and crying through them to find healing, love and forgiveness on the other side. As I was unfolding the pieces of myself I had hidden away for far too long, I connected with a woman who would assist me in my spiritual journey.
In mid-2021 I would begin my introduction to Reiki, attending my first certification classes. I was also learning about Divine Healing and the Multi-Dimensional Self (MDS). So along I went learning many wonderful modalities.
In Mid-December of that year, I travelled to South America for 3 months, experiencing the culture and attending classes to learn the basics of the language. I visited many ancient ruins and places of power, Machu Picchu was among the highlights as was the 5-day hike getting there.
My passion for learning only increased during my time away, coming back home to Canada, I was different. My interactions with another way of living simply allowed me to see more of life, I was expanded, free to live life in my alignment. I continued my learning by being guided into Soul Contract Reading and Qigong. Within a month of coming back home, I decided to move to Calgary, all of these moments in my life have helped me to see what my passions are.
It has helped me to see what my energies are and where they can be most beneficial to others and the planet.
So now I am starting a new chapter in my life, connecting with you as a different version of myself, and bringing all of my experiences into your healing journey.
My wish for you is that you find your soul's calling, and allow it to unfold with grace and ease and I am honoured to be apart of your journey.
This video goes a little into my story and what my offerings can assist you with.
Take a moment to watch it and I look forward to connecting with you soon.